Kitava's Invasion
Traveller's log, Day 30.
Niko dug a hole to a previously undiscovered crypt.
We discovered something resting, down at the deepest subterranean level.
It was Kitava reborn!
A foul corrupted creature at the far end of the crypt had attempted the ressurection. As Kitava rose, the group stood in formation, ready to claim Kitava's head once again. It was a tough battle, but alas, heroes will prevail.
After the fight we sent Alva to slay the unknown creature. She is still attempting to cut through it's evergrowing tentacles.
Einhar is providing her new equipment from the forge to continue the struggle.
Jun got set up in an undisturbed room. She's considering to stay here and use this place as an interrogation chamber.
Helena don't want to stay.
Total decorations: 513
Uses MTX: No
Decoration name | MTX | Count |
Alva | No | 1 |
Crafting Bench | No | 1 |
Einhar | No | 1 |
Guild Stash | No | 1 |
Helena | No | 1 |
Jun | No | 1 |
Map Device | No | 1 |
Navali | No | 1 |
Niko | No | 1 |
Stash | No | 1 |
Waypoint | No | 1 |
Zana | No | 1 |
Ancient Books | No | 1 |
Torch | No | 1 |
Vaal Furniture | No | 1 |
Crypt Fire Pit | No | 2 |
Ruined Ornate Chair | No | 1 |
Tombstone | No | 5 |
Vaal Figurine | No | 2 |
Ossuary Plaque | No | 1 |
Skull Pile | No | 10 |
Sword In Ground | No | 8 |
Driftwood Archway | No | 5 |
Large Rocks | No | 8 |
Ossuary Brazier | No | 5 |
Pooling Blood | No | 8 |
Rapture Device | No | 1 |
Seed of Corruption | No | 1 |
Vaal Notes | No | 3 |
Vaal Scattered Papers | No | 3 |
Wall of Spikes | No | 3 |
Absorbed Flesh | No | 1 |
Arakaali Egg | No | 7 |
Belly Ground Spikes | No | 1 |
Bone Sculpture | No | 2 |
Bulbous Flesh | No | 6 |
Flesh Glob | No | 5 |
Impaled Monster | No | 4 |
Large Fortification | No | 3 |
Tumorous Cluster | No | 2 |
Vaal Mummy | No | 6 |
Vestigial Organs | No | 1 |
Weapon Rack | No | 1 |
Beast Egg stalk | No | 3 |
Beast Eyestalk | No | 1 |
Blood Fog (Red) | No | 1 |
Corrupted Specks | No | 4 |
Corruption | No | 5 |
Fellshrine Ruins | No | 5 |
Large Church Wall Arch | No | 1 |
Ruined Arch | No | 1 |
Vaal Armour Rack | No | 1 |
Monster Corpse | No | 7 |
Hitching Post | No | 1 |
Pitbull Corpse | No | 1 |
Webbed Remains | No | 2 |
Karui Carving | No | 4 |
Kitava Horns | No | 6 |
Malachai's Dedication | No | 1 |
Kaom's Throne | No | 1 |
Kitava Heart | No | 2 |
Weathered Crane | No | 1 |
Fortification Door | No | 2 |
Kitava Head | No | 1 |
Lava Glow | No | 3 |
Rock Formation | No | 22 |
Rusty Crane | No | 2 |
Whale Skeleton Bones | No | 1 |
Abandoned Crane | No | 2 |
Large Whale Skeleton Ribs | No | 2 |
Weathered Skull Display | No | 2 |
Whale Skeleton Spine | No | 2 |
Charred Wood Pile | No | 8 |
Primeval Debris | No | 5 |
Primeval Rubble | No | 24 |
Primeval Tree Planter | No | 1 |
Sandy Grave | No | 1 |
Spore Pods | No | 4 |
Syndicate Cabinet | No | 1 |
Syndicate Table | No | 1 |
Oriath Ground | No | 11 |
Primeval Table | No | 2 |
Primeval Vase | No | 1 |
Rising Smoke | No | 11 |
Syndicate Cage | No | 2 |
Oriath Curb | No | 48 |
Primeval Floor Crystal | No | 7 |
Primeval Support | No | 12 |
Primeval Tablet | No | 12 |
Primeval Throne | No | 1 |
Primeval Trough | No | 6 |
Raging Fire | No | 2 |
Sand Pile | No | 17 |
Warped Skull | No | 1 |
Blacksmith's Barrel | No | 1 |
Primeval Container | No | 17 |
Primeval Marker | No | 7 |
Primeval Shrine | No | 7 |
Primeval Stand | No | 8 |
Syndicate Mannequin | No | 2 |
Thick Smoke | No | 2 |
Large Snowy Rock | No | 1 |
Primeval Chair | No | 1 |
Primeval Column Arc | No | 2 |
Syndicate Shield Stand | No | 1 |
Weapon Display Table | No | 1 |
Corpse Sculpture | No | 5 |
Primeval Bench | No | 8 |
Syndicate Fortification | No | 4 |
Artefact Cage | No | 7 |
Primeval Carving | No | 1 |
Iron Lantern | No | 12 |
Scattered Books | No | 4 |
Azurite Chunk | No | 7 |
Cave Pillar | No | 3 |
Wooden Stool | No | 2 |
Ornate Relic Stand | No | 1 |
Smithing Equipment | No | 1 |
Fossilised Miners | No | 1 |
Maraketh Lantern | No | 1 |
Relic Stand | No | 1 |
Water Fog | No | 2 |
Book Pile | No | 1 |
Standing Lamp | No | 4 |
Tower Archway | No | 3 |
Oriath Rubble | No | 3 |
Golden Sparkles | No | 4 |
Oriath Scaffolding | No | 2 |
Version number | MTX | Publish date | Total favor | Total decorations | Downloads | Link |
1.0.0 | No | 2019-04-14 19:38:52 | 2,928,320 | 513 | 841 | Download |
1.0.0 | 14 Apr 2019 - 19:38
Initial release
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